Protect your family’s financial well-being with a reliable Life Insurance plan

Invest for what matters most


Having a life insurance plan in place when people rely on you can make all the difference in the world. From mortgage payments to covering a child’s education, these expenses can be covered.

No Medical plans up to $750,000.1 This means no medical exams or needles, and being able to get protected quickly.

Coverage up to $1 million on all other plans.

Payments start in the second month, applicable on monthly payment plans.

Ages 18-80 can apply2
Complimentary benefits3
Quick and easy to apply
Affordable rates

Why wait any longer?

For a no-obligation and confidential quote, submit this form. Get peace of mind today with Canada Protection Plan, a leading name in No Medical & Simplified Issue Life Insurance.

1 Insurability depends on answers to medical and other application questions and underwriting searches and review.
2 Temporary residents must have a valid work or study permit.
3 Foresters member benefits are non-contractual, subject to benefit-specific eligibility requirements, definitions and limitations and may be changed or canceled without notice or are no longer available. Some of these benefits may be administered by third parties, such as Foresters Go which is operated by Dacadoo AG. For further details, go to

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Make sure that your loved ones are protected. Get covered. Apply today!.

423781 CAN (08/24)

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