We’ve all seen those roofers nimbly working 20 feet above the ground without any safety equipment. In addition to working on incredibly steep inclines, roofers must deal with blazing heat or treacherously icy conditions — which can lead to dizziness, loss of balance and serious injuries – or worse.
Iron and steel workers
Thankfully this profession mandates that safety harnesses must be worn, but the risk of falling from great heights remains. Factor in the possibility of steel beams or walls collapsing, and it’s easy to understand why these jobs make the risky list.
Garbage and recyclable collectors
One man’s garbage is another man’s risk. These workers face daily exposure to hazardous chemicals, medical waste, broken glass and syringes – to name a few. The additional risk of getting caught in hydraulic lifts or struck by passing vehicles makes this job not for the faint hearted.
Electrical power line installers and repairers
Not only do these workers have to perform at great heights and maintain their balance while working in treacherous weather conditions (after all, that’s when power lines go down), but there’s a constant threat of massive surges of electricity zapping them if they make a wrong move.
Truck drivers
Exhaustion from long hauls, icy or foggy road conditions, and maneuvering large loads which can become unbalanced and send a rig hurtling off the road are just some of the dangers faced by truckers. No wonder truck driving was ranked the 11th deadliest job in Canada by a national newspaper.
Farmers & ranchers
While images of cowboys and ranch hands can conjure up romantic visions, the work conditions can be less than ideal. Since the job description includes working with large, often unpredictable animals, heavy farm equipment and grueling hours in punishing weather conditions, this suggests that these jobs are not without serious risk.
Fire fighters
Okay, this was an obvious one. But these heroes who make a daily habit out of rushing into burning buildings, and dealing with harmful gasses, chemical spills and out-of-control fires in order to keep the rest of us safe, deserve a special shout-out.
Emergency medical technician
While they work to save lives, these professionals put their own lives in danger; they risk being cut or struck by medical equipment while working in high-speed vehicles and exposure to infectious diseases.
Animals can be unpredictable, but this hazard gets magnified when they’re in pain and trying to protect themselves. Vets risk getting bitten and scratched when tending to sick household pets – and more exotic animals such as reptiles pose a whole other level of risk.
Is your job considered high risk? Some life insurance providers may deem what you do for a living to be too perilous and not offer you coverage. You have a choice. Canada Protection Plan offers life insurance for up to $1 million and No Medical plans for up to $500,000 in coverage.
Contact your advisor or call Canada Protection Plan at 1-877-851-9090. After all, while you have one job you go to daily, isn’t it also your job to protect those who matter most to you?